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Tag: Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

It’s fair to say that Gal Gadot and Wonder Woman was the brightest spot of the lucrative train wreck that was Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Her radical hero reveal music alone was worth the price of admission and her ability to steal the show from two of the biggest comic book heroes in the world generated all the buzz her solo movie could ever need. Fast forward to June 2nd, 2017 and although the film world may not be dramatically changed, the DCU does finally have an enjoyable movie under its belt and what appears to be a commercial and critical success.

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New In Theaters June 2nd 2017

Although the unofficial start of the summer blockbuster movie season kicked of with the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie, June hits us with franchise installments and tent-pole films, week after week. And what better way to start off the month of June than with Captain Underpants and a Latino remake of the 3 Idiots.

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